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    Entries in black ops (7)


    Oh No You Didn't, Black Ops

    Call of Duty: Black Ops new TV spot features a bunch of ordinary folk roaming the battlefield shooting the hell out of shit. There's a businesswoman, a cook, a nurse, and what appears to be a little girl getting their frag on. And also Kobe Bryant and Jimmy Kimmel with branded weapons. 

    Obviously, this commercial is targeted toward those of us who play online. Activision wants to appeal to your desire to kill a complete stranger, possibly even Kobe Bryant, then possibly crouch over his corpse in a tea-bagging fashion. Obviously, the sensible folk like you and I know that this is what it is. It's a a commercial for a game that will depict scenes of intense violence, but in no way condones or encourages it, at least no more than your typical action movie.

    Though these are dark times for the freedom illustrated in the games we love. Politicians these days have an analog stick up their ass, and they can only ease the discomfort by trying to censor this art that we play, create, and live. Someone must have told the media and government that the gamers are the geeks to steal on, and that a crusade to silence our freedom would be met with little resistance. Go fuck yourselves, we're fighting back.

    So I can't decide where this Black Ops spot puts us. Is it too visual? Will our detractors get the wrong idea, as usual, and start firing shots at the games industry, especially in light of these high profile concerns? Is Activision pushing the wrong buttons at the wrong time? Or is this a blatant middle finger to decision-makers, in essence telling people to parent their kids the right way if they want to see the biggest impact be made.

    No idea, really. Penny for your thoughts, Activision? All I know is that I would love to dominate Kobe in Black Ops. Let's see what you got without Phil Jackson and Derek Fisher, punk!


    Black Ops is Just a Week Away, is Just a Week Away

    Technically maybe a little more than week, but regardless! Here is an awesome trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops set to the sounds of The Rolling Stones' Gimme Shelter. I'll need shelter alright, to play Black Ops uninterrupted in 8 hour sessions at a time. That's what I'm talking about!

    If the sights and the sound of the following trailer aren't enough to ruffle your feathers, check your pulse. If you are indeed alive, then maybe you just need something a bit more extreme to stimulate your senses. How about this: Black Ops' zombie mode will allow the players to control John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Fidel Castro, and Robert McNamara. This foursome may even one up Left 4 Dead 3's rumored Midnight Riders. Also, dibs on Castro.

    Head over to Kotaku for a Dead Ops spoileriffic intro and some gameplay.


    Black Ops Multiplayer Details

    Okay kids! Today's phrase of the day is Black Ops. Can you say Black Ops? Bla, khops. Very good. 

    Treyarch community manager, Josh Olin, has written up a post on the ever helpful, detailing some of the lesser known facts about Call of Duty: Black Ops

    Most pressing; the addition of split-screen online multiplayer. Sweet! You can log in as a guest under any profile and immediately start blowing stuff up. The guest will be able to gain rain, earn unlocks, the whole nine. Unfortunately, all guest progress is lost when the player signs out. Bummer. 

    Also of note is the Custom Games Editor, which will allow you to fine tune the parameters of any custom game you create; time limit, weapon set, perks, gear, and on. When you're done creating your very own boring ass custom game, you'll be able to drop it in a file share, where your friends and the anonymous community alike can ridicule how terrible your decisions are. Hooray! 

    Make sure you get the lowdown in full at the

    Call of Duty: Black Ops releases on November 9th


    Ice Cube; Once Gangsta, Now Otaku?

    History lesson time! You may remember Ice Cube from such smash hits as Are We There Yet, and Barbershop 2: Back in Business. What you may not know is that Mr. Cube was a well respected (or feared) gangsta rapper in his heyday, as an integral part of groundbreaking crew N.W.A. 

    According to Ice Cube's Twitter, he managed to snag a voice part in Activision's upcoming title, Call of Duty: Black Ops. Playing the part of Corporal Bowman, Ice will bring his unique style to the realm of video games for the first time.

    Along with honorary Otaku But Gangsta Ice-T's appearance in Gears of War 3, once gangsta rappers appear to be expanding from traditional acting to include voice acting in their resumes. Rumor has it Tupac Shakur will play a major part in the soon to be revealed Uncharted 3: 2Pac's Treasure.

    via VG247


    Will Black Ops One Up The Competition?

    Medal of Honor is trying to woo you with its edginess. Real soldiers overlooked the development process of the gritty war title, did ya know that? Also, they had a Taliban faction before those scheming politicians made them change the name. True story! So with all that MoH has going for it, how'd it do? Not too good. 

    Enter Black Ops. With Medal of Honor, Black Ops' primary competition in the gritty war action genre, receiving merely pedestrian reviews, it's time for Treyarch's Vietnam tale to take it's place atop the realistic war action genre. I've called it something different twice, should I just call it first person shooter genre? Eh, whatever. 

    The Modern Warfare games made for very cinematic single player experiences. Black Ops looks like it's going to take that and run with it. I mean, pistol on the table, ratty headband, Deer Hunter anyone?! If the game's intensity can be anything close to that brilliantly suspenseful Russian roulette scene, Treyarch will have won my heart. 


    Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombifying, Customizing

    A lot of Call of Duty: Black Ops stories this week. Achievements have been leaked (warning: minor spoilers). Zombies have been confirmed. Customization has been flaunted.

    Treyarch has finally confirmed one of the worst kept secrets ever, the inclusion of zombies in Black Ops. After the success of the zombie mode in Call of Duty: World at War, how could they not? Dead Ops, as it's called, is a four player co-op romp against the undead horde. Preorder the Hardened or Prestige edition, and the four zombie maps from World at War can be yours at no extra cost! No word on whether or not the normal edition cheapskates can get some zombie lovin' yet though. This site has been put up by Treyarch to tease zombie mode. It features creepy music, surveillance video, and people in military clothing shuffling around clumsily. How very zombie-like! 

    And for the coup de grâce, the multiplayer customization trailer. The level of customizing Treyarch has added is awesome, allowing you to paint your face, choose different camo types for your clothing, and put your clan tag or personal logo on your weapon. And no longer are you able to access all unlocked gear once you reach a certain level, now you have to be the required level on top of purchasing the item with currency earned through fragging and completing challenges. Just like Halo: Reach! Which is just like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2! Which is just like.. Damn, so much idea sharing going on, I'm losing track. 

    It goes with out saying, Call of Duty: Black Ops is going over the top to keep gamers reeled in. With the dissolution of Infinity Ward (thanks, Kotick) Treyarch has to show the world that they're comfortable being in the drivers seat of the Call of Duty series now. Black Ops is a step in the right direction.


    Call of Duty Black Ops Multiplayer Gameplay

    Some guy named Hutch got hands on time with Call of Duty Black Ops multiplayer. He was kind enough to upload some youtubes with his impressions and observations via voice over commentary. From what he says, it seems like Treyarch has attempted to keep the game a little more balanced than Modern Warfare 2. Shotguns aren't overpowered, damage increasing/mitigating perks (juggernaut, stopping power) are gone, and in Hutch's own words, you need some skill to get kills. Nice.

    Aside from the Team Deathmatch, Hutch shows us Wager Mode, in which you have only your primary and melee, no perks, secondaries, or grenades. You start off with a pistol, and for each kill you score, you level up and instantly change weapons. The winner is the first one to get a kill with all 20 weapons in the mode, the last being the fucking sweet ballistic knife. Looks like fun. Also, a quick peek at class creation. 

    These are definitely worth watching if you're a CoD fan. While the maps look too much like Modern Warfare 2 (I want to see a jungle map) Hutch says the game plays more like Call of Duty 2, which I've never played, but he made sound like a good thing. 

    Updated with the official Wager Game trailer, which details the different modes that make up the Wager Game as a whole. Looks awesome, I have a feeling this may be my game mode of choice. 

    Videos are after the break.

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