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    Entries in transformers (3)


    War for Cybertron Sequel Confirmed!

    Transformers: The War for Cybertron
     was a surprisingly good game, that brought much enjoyment to Team OBG through it's campaign and competitive multiplayer modes. There is reason for excitement then, since Hasbro has announced High Moon Studios are on board for the sequel, set for 2012.

    I can't turn down Transformers beating the Energon out of each other, especially during Cybertron's gritty civil war. It will be interesting to see where High Moon takes the sequel, as the end of War for Cybertron seemed to set the stage for Generation 1. I have faith that Transformer nerds everywhere will be pleased, and this sequel will make up for the disappointfest that is Michael Bay's Transformers.

    Post script: Activision, I can understand overpricing for Call of Duty DLC, for the prices you're charging for War for Cybertron DLC is criminal. Fix that, kthx.


    Review: Transformers The War for Cybertron

    I was a bright eyed kid growing up in the 80s, setting the foundation for many of the things I love today; video games, toys, cartoons, awesome music, and women. Back then, liking toys and cartoons, you had to be a hermit to not enjoy Transformers. The brand was everywhere, and for good reason; it kicked ass.

    When I heard Transformers was going through it's latest remake by High Moon studios, I was excited. No cautious optimism, none of that "we'll see" bullshit, no. Excitement. Where so many other studios have tried and failed when it comes to Transformers, I knew High Moon would get it right, and here's why.

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    The Omega Key

    Here at Otaku But Gangsta, we have a soft spot for toys. We also have a soft spot for Transformers. Currently, I'm in the midst of Transformers War for Cybertron (review soon) and seeing Omega Supreme in game action really made me remember how awesome I thought he was when I was a kid. He's bigger than all the other Autobots AND Decepticons, is what I would exclaim to my cousin, who owned the orginal Omega Supreme figure. 

    Here, some 20-odd years later, my mind is blown by another Omega Supreme toy. TFW2005 member uuser has created an incredible Omega Supreme custom. Seriously, INCREDIBLE. The figure is currently listed on eBay for a cool three grand. Yep, $3,000. Worth it? Maybe not, but that is an awe inspiring piece of work. I can only imagine how much time and effort uuser put into that damn thing not only to get it looking so amazing, but also that it transforms from robot mode, to space cruiser, to launch base. Holy hell man! Don't believe it? Check out the pictures below. For more, check out the original post at TFW2005.