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    Entries in itagaki (2)


    E3: Metroid Other M

    Sweet merciful Zebes, what the fuck happened to Metroid Other M? When we last heard from the Team Ninja and Nintendo collaboration, it's mix of stylistic gameplay and fly cinematics was getting me hard. Now we have.. This shit. Two solid minutes of in game action which produces 45 seconds of ball rolling, and another 30 seconds of first person visor-views. What the fuck, really?! Where is the Metroid meets Ninja Gaiden action we saw in the first trailer?

    SMH, Team Ninja, SM-effing-H. If Tomonobu Itagaki were still at the helm of Team Ninja, this trailer would be a minute and thirty seconds of Samus backflipping and wave-ray blasting and missile launching and Ridley DDTing and running through Metroids leaving a trail of pureed jelly in her wake. And then her boobs bouncing for a good thirty seconds more. SIGH, I think I have a crush on Itagaki-san.

    Here's the trailer. I dare you not to fall asleep.


    E3: Tomonobu Itagaki and Devil's Third

    I was deeply saddened when Tomonobu Itagaki was released from Tecmo. It meant that he was no longer helming favorite franchises of mine Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive. Will Tecmo continue his tradition of hyper-violence, gore, and obscenely busty women in his absence?! Who knows. But for the boozin', gamblin', Yakuza lookin' and all around handsome man Itagaki, life continues. That life is his new studio, Valhalla, and his latest game, Devil's Third.

    The game looks good. That's it. It's not wowing me like Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden 2 did when those trailers were released, but it looks like he's on the right track at least. Violence? Check. Stylized action? Check. Sexy women? Check. Okay Itagaki-san, color me intrigued. We'll see how this title continues to shape up.