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    Entries in gearbox software (3)


    Allow Sir Hammerlock to Show You Around Borderlands 2

    Are you yet unfamiliar with what to expect in Borderlands 2? Well allow Sir Hammerlock to be your tour guide, taking you through much of the Borderlands with the most extensive, all encompassing trailer to date.

    Touched upon are the character classes, skills, utility, and of course the bazillion different weapon and grenade combinations. Looks like much to appreciate and little to hate, with a bazillion things to do, see, kill, create, and loot; everything I look for in a mate. At first I was like "." Now I'm all like "!" Borderlands 2 is looking like a pretty motha and I'm feeling MILFish, feel me? 

    While you're waiting, you know wubwub is still hot, right? Borderlands 2 releases on September 18


    Forever Finally Comes, in Both Ways I'm sure

    Yep, well here it is. After years of waiting and a noticeable lack of strippers, Duke Nukem Forever has a release date -- which we hope is cemented. The trailer released to celebrate this momentous occasion, looks really, really good. A little Halo, and a little Gears of War is a good mix, I think we can all agree.

    Oh, the release date? May 11th, 2011. Get yourself ready for Forever.


    Duke Nukem Next Gen? Yes, Please

    Here is a testament to the power of the fans. Duke Nukem 3D, in all it's glory, is a classic. And by classic, I mean it's old as sin, and as ugly as Rosemary's baby. So Frederik Schreiber (aka Fresch), a dedicated fan, decided to pretty much reskin the whole Duke 3D world and make it run on the Unreal 3 engine, just for fun. 

    Well, people were impressed by Fresch's work. So impressed that he had no problem contacting the people at 3D Realms, Duke 3D's old home, and Gearbox Software, Duke Nukem Forever's new home. He got the blessing of the head honchos at both studios and just like that, we'll be getting a Duke Nukem 3D remake very soon. 

    Fresch says a multiplayer demo will be on the way sooner than we think. If you're as excited as I am, keep it locked for updates on the coming demo. And make sure you check out the Gearbox Forums for up to date progress reports on how the game is coming along.